Nudisn On Beaches
Most nude beaches had become accepted after many years of use as nude beaches. Many are “unmanaged” beach areas that have been adopted by the local users in an effort to maintain the beach’s “quality”. Others’ right to existence has been recognized as such by the appropriate local authority, and are termed “official” (although not necessarily legitimate).
There are several categories of nude beaches:
* Beaches where nudity may be compulsory, subject to weather conditions. This is common in dedicated nudist resorts.
* Beaches where nudity is encouraged, but not mandatory. This is more common when the beach is part of a private resort or other private property. On such beaches, most people go nude, but not all.
* Clothing is optional (i.e., nudity is permitted but not required). Most beaches in Denmark and all in Norway are clothing-optional. The most popular U.S. clothing-optional beach may be Haulover Beach in Miami, Florida, which has a clothing-optional section officially designated by Miami-Dade County, with lifeguards and concessions. On such beaches, there may be a mixture of nude, clothed and everything in between. For some clothed people, the clothing-optional status only makes them less reluctant to expose themselves briefly when changing clothes.
* Unofficially sanctioned public nude beaches – places where nudity is tolerated by the “authorities”, mostly by turning a blind eye, or not enforcing the local laws.
* Illegal nude beaches – Beaches where people may attempt to maintain a low profile which may result in requests to cover up, uncomfortable glares, a fine or arrest.